Buying RubiesColor is of paramount importance when judging the value of a ruby. Prized colors--which can command high prices--are pure reds with no overtones of brown or blue. Very light or dark shades are usually less valuable, but not necessarily less appealing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and color preferences are subjective. Of course, clarity, cut and carat weight factor into the cost of a gem. Better quality rubies are usually eye-clean with some inclusions under magnification. Ruby is more available under two carats, gems over five carats have become scarce. In ruby's finest quality, any size is rare.
Don't let yourself become overly concerned about the origin of the gem. A gem from Burma may not necessarily be better than a gem from Vietnam. If the ruby has a color that appeals to you, and a clarity that looks good, then that is more important than its nationality. However, it is important to buy from a reputable dealer who will provide written documentation about the ruby's size, and any treatments it has undergone. Alrashid Cyber Mall stands behind every ruby we sell. See our selection of fine rubies. Recently, rubies have been grown in the laboratory. Although these grown rubies are essentially of identical composition, hardness, and brilliance to natural rubies, they have aroused some controversy. Their presence of the market is still more limited than lab-grown emeralds, however. When buying star rubies, look for a star that has straight legs that are all of equal clarity. |
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